Pdp By Dw Cx Maple 5 Piece Shell Pack

Mid-range drum sets are not very easy to find. It’s not that there aren’t any. But there are too many options that finding a quality kit can be quite overwhelming.

Good and not-so-great models are all bundled together.

However, just like any other product out there, some brands are trustworthy, and others are not.

In the world of drums, Drum Workshop is one name every drummer knows very well. They created Pacific Drums and Percussion (PDP) as an alternative for more affordable it.

Hence, you can trust PDP to deliver high-quality kits.

The Pacific CX is on the highest-end models from the manufacturer. It is a decent solution for both beginners and intermediate drummers.

If you are sure whether this kit is for you, consider this review. We will be shedding more light on the features of the kit.

PDP by DW CX Maple 5 Piece Shell Pack

The quality of Pacific drums and how good they really are is still a debate. Some experts have positive opinions about them while others are not so good.

But one thing we all know is that the company makes affordable kits for beginners and intermediate drummers. Instead of mixing up their gear, DW created PDP to handle this market specifically.

They occasionally released products of high quality. A good example is this CX 5-piece drum kit.

The CX series is no longer in production, but you can always find them. Its reputation odd a solid, affordable kit has left in demand.

• Features

The Pacific CX is a fusion drum set. It features a standard configuration of three toms, a snare, and a kick drum. Also, it comes with 8.115 series hardware.

This upgrade can be found in more recent versions of the kit. It offers a more reliable anchoring of the kit. The previous version was not very reliable.

All-maple shells in laminate design make this kit a real deal. The drums include a 22×18-inch bass drum, 14×12, 12×9, and 10×8-inch toms, and a 14x 5-inch snare. The package also includes three cymbals stands.

• Performance

The CX series came with a lot of noise when it was introduced. It was the first kit at this price to produce a great performance. Other brands were forced to follow.

Sound-wise, this kit is remarkable, thanks to all-maple shells. There were not many such quality shells at this price range.


• Great quality build and sound

• Excellent performance

• DW-inspired features


• Subpar wraps on the shells

PDP CX Series Drum Kit Black Onyx

I came across a post on the drummer world website that got my attention. It says, “I’ve been checking out many drums lately, and I’m honing on the PDP CX kit. I am trying to determine if it has maple shells that many people have talked about. Were the shells are made from maple. All I know is the Blue Onyx Wrap….”

I have used a PDP CX Kit before. It was a second-generation and served to be pretty well. The shells were all maple, with Mexico-made STM mounts.

The first version featured rim mounts and 8-lugs on the kick drum. Later versions came with better improvements, including the STM mounts and ten lugs on the bass drum. However, they came back to the eight lugs on the versions that followed.

PDP is known for offering high-quality kits inspired by DW’s quality. And the Black Onyx kit did deliver an incredible performance.

If you are set on the wrap, I would say you go this one. It is stronger and more appealing than other finishes.

Besides, it does not come off easily. Or, if you are concerned about your budget, the Platinum series should be a great choice.

In terms of sound, the Mexican PDP CX is really good. You can feel the DW quality in every aspect of the drum, including its price.

The only irritation could perhaps come from the floor tom. It is slightly undersized, and it attaches to the cymbal stand.


• Excellent finish

• High-quality sound

• Affordable


• Legs on toms would be better – for easy movement


Even though the CX series is discontinued, you can still find the kits with various listings. It is a highly recommended beginner option.