Getting your hands on a drumstick brings out certain goodness in the heart. Getting the right beat, with some incredible beats, can be the best way to enjoy life with easy songs to play on drums.
However, this will not be good, especially if you are a beginner unless you play simple to learn drum songs for beginners, and there is a wide range of easy songs to play on drums today, for drummers that play a beginner drum set.
In this guide, I will be talking about some of the easiest music to learn drums on.
21 easy songs for beginners to learn drums
How do you find the right music easily? Don’t worry; I have put together a list of 21 best music to help you through. They are from different styles, so it should not be hard to get the right thing.
1. AC/DC – Highway to Hell
Playing a drum song is all about motivation. If you are not enjoying the song, you don’t have enough motivation to take your drumming to the next level.
And in this case, famous music is the best. “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC is a good example.
I have watched over and over a few drummers playing this song, and it has never lost its touch. Every time seems new, and the sweetness keeps feeling up every moment.
But that is not important for now. This is a simple song to learn and start playing like a pro.
And the best part is, this song will give you all the encouragement you need to master the drumming tunes set. There is enough hi-hat work with few fills that give the song its simplicity.
2. Imagine Dragons – Radioactive
There is not much to say about this song, only that beginners need to have it on their list of best music. It nicely gets away from the typical drum beats and lets beginners include more tom beats to create more fun.
Most illustrations show a lot of energy and excitement, not because of the drummer, but for the way this song is made. You can just feel something about the drum work in this song that tells you what you are doing it right.
And if you are not sweating at the end of playing, then there is something you did wrong.
3. White Stripes – Seven Nation Army
I have seen Meg White stripes work in many pieces, and I never seem to get enough of him. His work on the “Seven Nation Army” is by far the simplest and easiest-to learn music he has done.
If you remember hearing the four on the floor, the kick pattern on the radio here is a chance to learn them. The song has simple beats that will get you ahead of your skills in no time.
4. Katy Perry – Teenage Dream
This is among the most popular pop music in the world. The drumbeat pattern is quite basic and straightforward to understand, which makes it a wonderful song to play with drums.
It can be defined as light and catchy when you finally grasp its moves. And it can make you feel like a true celebrity.
5. Nirvana – Heart-Shaped Box
Dave Grohl is among the best drummers of all time. And his work on “Heart-Shaped Box” is a perfect reflection of his work.
This song is very ordinary to learn and play along. You can also use it to learn a few technical details, including tricks like rim clicks and hitting the cymbals alongside the guitar.
6. Black Sabbath – Black Sabbath
Talks about the simplest drum sound and Black Sabbath should easily feature on top of your list. It is among of the most iconic and influential sound in metal.
It is well known for its tempo, creeping slowness, and a wide room for load and fills. A beautiful drastic tempo change toward the end is quite amazing.
7. Maroon 5 – Sugar
When you talk about the best song generally, it often comes down to the band that played it. And in this case, Maroon 5 is among the most reputable names in the music industry.
The group released “Sugar” in 2014, and it has stayed as among the best beats of all time. But the best part is, it is among the easiest sound to learn and play.
The song is characterized by a consistent beat that focuses on the bass drum, the snare, and the HH. This song’s design allows new drummers to focus on the important aspects of drumming while having ultimate fun.
The 4/4-time signature on the song makes it among the easiest pieces out there. And you can slow it down or add a little pace according to your preference.
The song is simple, with fills. Hence, you don’t need to worry about intricacies.
8. Michael Jackson – Billie Jean
Who does not know Michael Jackson? His music has found root in all parts of the world and continues to spread his legacy.
“Billie Jean” is one of his most iconic tunes. It has been illustrated by many drummers, including a tutorial from Jellynote, just to show how normal it is for beginners. The instructor even goes head to show how important the HH is to this song.
The hi-hats are played with the 16th note, while some half and full notes define the snare. Also, the song is played at 118 BPM and has a 4/4-time signature.
If you are looking for a really simple song to play, this jam has it all.
9. Chainsmokers – Closer
“Closer,” by Chainsmokers is a wonderful choice for the drum sound. No wonder it is a favorite among many modern drummers.
As a beginner, rhythm is among the most important, yet difficult things to keep. Also, you may struggle a lot with getting the sounds to match the original music.
What makes this song common is the fact that you can use finger snaps and hand claps to get different rhythmic ideas.
The HH is approached from the 8th note, which makes them sound beautiful. It is echoed by a wonderful snare mix at the heart of the song.
10. Perfect – Ed Sheeran
If you need a simple yet popular drum song, Ed Sheeran has a perfect solution. The song “Perfect” is a sweet combination of simple moves that any beginner drummer will find useful.
One of my favorite illustrations is a cover by a young boy named Noah. A few techniques include rim shorts, double-bass kicks, and solid hi-hat works that define the best of this song.
You don’t even need a huge drum set to cover this song. This is perhaps among the reason it has become extremely popular.
11. Charlie Puth – One Call
There are very few so-called perfect drumming sounds – and this Charlie Puth song is among them. For syncopation and fun-filled rhythm lovers, nothing will make you happier than the rhythms in this piece.
In some of the illustration videos I have watched, the drummer has an open stance when playing the HH as opposed to crossing over.
This is only one of the many forms you can use to create good sounds from the song. Whatever makes you comfortable, you can actually own this song to make it your daily portion.
It is a well-rounded drum song that lets you keep the rhythm on the ride and HH as you create variations on your beat.
Playing a song that has the right rhythm will make you want more and more. This way, it becomes even easier to improve your skills.
12. Oasis – Live Forever
The drum intro on this song is one reason you count on it for playing songs for drums. It can be easily played along by beginners.
The drummer starts moving from the backbeat to the floor tom and the snare into the song. This is influenced by an increase in the guitar volume.
13. AC/DC – You Shook Me All Night Long
AC/DC is one of the biggest bands of all time. And with drummer Phil Rudd behind the throne, you can expect nothing but the best sound out.
This song seems a bit tricky to play on easy drum tunes. But if you know the basic techniques, you can easily get it right.
14. Iron Maiden – Run to the Hills
The truth is, this song is a bit technical, and you should not tackle it until you have learned much more about drumming. However, it is a good way to spice up your list and challenge yourself more.
But there is a way to make the song simple. Just disregard the 16th action in verses and chorus. Try getting to any HH groove in the quarter notes, and they beat the snare as if you are finished.
You can downgrade it even more by playing the 8th or even ¼ on the HH intro. This song will help you learn the best tricks and tactics for performing.
15. The Beatles – Let It
Drummer Ringo Stir has never disappointed when it comes to innovative drumming. He was one of the most influential drummers, and his spectacular drumming chops continue to receive a lot of appreciation.
Some of his music has a lot of interesting concepts, including “Let It Be.” Many of the band’s sounds were common, as seen in this track.
16. Boni Jovi – Livin’ On A Prayer
This is the band’s most popular song, which was released in 1986. It is a typical glam rock song with a nice pop/rock vibe, plus all the necessary ingredients or music of this era.
It features a powerful, yet uncomplicated drum line that makes it feature in the best drum hardware sound. The smooth flow of the intro and verses is admirable.
17. Nirvana – Come as You Are
From Nevermind, the album that introduced grunge to the mainstream, “Come as You Are,” is a beautiful piece for many drummers. It features the famous riff that kept the song interesting for a long time.
There are two basic parts; the verses rely on the traditional combination of the kick, snare, and ride. The chorus is more complex as it includes tom-toms.
18. U2- Bullet the Blue Sky
You can never talk about the best song for drums without including “Bullet the Blue Sky.” The work of Larry Mullen is manifested in a complex-like, yet simple-and-straightforward-to-learn song.
The tunes are pretty basic. It only seems fast and complex at first, but it is very basic and simple.
If you like U2, then this could be a great choice to show them, love. It a good song to try.
19. Guns and Roses – Sweet O’ Mine
Perhaps it’s only me who believes that a band’s reputation defines the tunes they make. And Guns N’ Roses is a band that has made it top on this list.
There “Sweet Child O’ Mine” is a perfect example of a cool drum song when it comes to its beat. Any illustration brings out beautiful sounds that are basic to follow and understand.
The song has a little more syncopation, though. This means it can be a bit challenging for beginners.
However, if you are able to grasp its moves, nothing will stop you from having the best drumming experience.
A great combination of cymbal crashes gets this song moving the right direction. And the perfectly-timed strings with beautiful tom fills will blow your mind.
20. Tom Petty – Cabin Down
Drum sounds are great fun. But there are only a few that may make it to every drummer, beginner, and expert list.
Here is an excellent beginner song that sheds more light on this truth. It is all about fun, and you will get lots of it here.
One thing that makes this song an excellent choice is that you only need one drum beat and one fill in the whole song.
It may seem too simple, but quarter notes on the kick and the snare should offer just the right challenge. Also, the HH features a continual pattern of the 8th note.
21. Green Day – Boulevard of Broken Dreams
When you mention GreenDay, many drummers will not think of any common song. The band makes some of the most complicated pieces. But this rendition is perfect for those who are newer to drumming.
You will find a wide range of nice drumming illustrations that shows just how basic the song is. You only need a few cymbals to bring out the best of this song.
There are a few fills and instrumental sections that can make any drummer as they use it.
This song can be a bit challenging for a few players. Nevertheless, you see the true values once you learn its secrets.
What are good drum songs?

There is no good or bad song for learning drums. But you need to find the right song because not all are made for all drummers. No band wants to make bad sounds, and no artist wants their songs to be poor in quality. And this is why I believe all music is good.
So, what are the right drum songs? There are a few things to put in mind when considering the right drumming song. Consider the following features.
For a beginner, you don’t need too many fills or extras. Your focus should, therefore, be only on what is right about the song. How simple they are is key to drum songs to play; this is why you need your songs to be as simple to put along as possible.
The Tempo
A drummer, more than just drumming, has an important job of keeping time and rhythm. You will be learning this important technique through your play along with the song. Again, you don’t want a song that is too boring, uninspiring. Anything below 60 beats per minute will be such. On the other hand, songs that more than 130 beats per minute in speed can be too overwhelming.
The genre
There are very many drumming styles in the world today. Each one of us loves what they love. Hence, go for the best experience, choose a tune that goes with your style. If you are interested in metal drumming, you are looking at something faster and stronger.
What is the hardest song to play on drums?

The list of drum songs in the world is endless. This is why any serious drummers can grow from strength to strength if they are serious about it.
And once you have mastered the common songs above and are sure to move to the next level, there are several challenging songs to try out.
Challenging songs are great for experienced drummers because they let you understand your limits. If you feel there is something you haven’t mastered, this is the place to brush those skills.
Here are a few:
Meshuggah – Bleed
You get polyrhythms on the hi-hat, with kick appearing in cross-rhythms and triplets in varying time signatures for seven minutes.
Some say if you can play this song, you are not human. This could as well be number on the list of most complex drum songs.
Dream Theater – Dance of Eternity
If you look at the multiple transcripts of this song, you will be blown away by its complexity. Neil Peart’s works on Rush’s various drum with songs are indeed incredible, but this masterpiece from Mike Portnoy is in a league of its own.
If you pick this song, it might take you more than five months to get it right. You can make it a bit easier by learning without the straight double bass patterns in it.
Led Zeppelin – Moby Dick
The live version of Moby Dick, Live at the Royal Albert Hall 1970, is one of the most complex drums you will ever encounter. It features complex time signatures, insanely fast triplets, bongo style playing, and many other factors that make this song a stone. The studio version is a bit lighter but still difficult.
How do you play drums to a song?

Playing music on drums to a song is not hard. You begin by learning drum basics and then move to find the right song. We have already seen some of the best music above, this makes it easier for you if you are serious about it.
In summary, here are the steps you want to follow;
1. Learn drum basics
2. Find your best song
3. Now hold your sticks between your thumb and forefinger, with other fingers supporting. Use the left stick to play the snare as you cross over the right arm over the top to hit the snare.
4. Put on your headphones and press play on your audio device. Be sure to wait for the vocals, and then start slowing with the kick beats.
5. Clap along. Clap along as you do with other music while sustaining the bass rhythm. Use two-four of the cycles.
6. Add more parts. Bring in the hi-hat, by playing every time you hear a guitar.
7. Play all. Play with all the four limbs in the whole song. Listen to how the beat changes or other necessary fills and try bringing them on board.
8. Practice. You will not get the beat from the first attempt. It is therefore crucial that you continue practicing as many times as possible until you capture the rhythm.
Are the drums easy to play?

Answering this question is very personal. There are people who find playing drums common, and others who will get discouraged when things don’t go their way.
In other words, drums can be easy to play if you are well motivated. But they will be very hard if you are not into them.
Motivation begins with understanding your limits and knowing exactly what you can do. The more you practice, the more experience you gain. Motivation begins with you choosing the right song, or just starting with easy moves.
It is all in how much you need, and want to play drums. Keep the rhythms simple and easy at the beginning and advance into full play.
There is an endless list of drum songs to choose from if you are learning to play drums. Some of them are easy, while some are just hard. But the good news is, there is something for everyone.
You want to get a song that is not too easy, not too hard. The list of 21 easy drum songs above is aimed at beginners.
I hope you find your motivation, and enjoy playing along. The songs can get you where you need to be.